The aim of my blog is primarily great content but I am keen to work with brands reviewing anything new and innovative. I am a big supporter of small businesses having run a creative business myself.
My special interests are anything to do with parenting, education or technology.
I am an experienced book reviewer for websites.
My husband is a teacher and we have two boys aged 1 and 8 and three girls aged 5, 11 and 13 so a wide age range of testers! We also have a lovely chocolate labrador called Lola.
Get in touch if you would like me to test and review products with integrity and honesty and to promote via social media and forums.
I am willing to run competitions and if you are interested in advertising on the site please get in touch.
I am also happy to work to promote charity campaigns and special causes.
I am a member of Mumsnet Blogger Network and Britmums Blogger Network
or tweet me @5kidscounting