Friday, 14 October 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful

Today I'm joining in with the bloghop on Mummy from the Heart's fab blog with my reasons to be cheerful:

1. Although the week got off to a rough start with a horrible bullying issue for my girls on the school bus I'm happy to say the school took the bull by the horns and dealt with it swiftly by banning the culprits for a week - so great to see a school tackling bullying head on.

2. My one year old who seemed to be a reluctant talker started to copy every word that came out of our mouths - see video post yesterday - think he is going to be a chatterbox.

3. Letter from mortage company saying we had missed a payment turned out to be a computer error - though the hubby had spent the lot in William Hill ( tongue firmly in cheek I hasten to add!)

4. Got invited to a fab event for Drinkaware in London via Mumsnet Blogger network - can't go but still nice to be asked.

5. Found £10 under the one year olds bed - he has taken to pulling my purse out of my bag - thought I'd just overspent the budget. On reflection what felt a really stressful week has had some really good bits


  1. Glad the week turned out to be better than you expected, there is alwasy a silver lining.

    So glad the school got straight onto the bullying.

    Mich x

  2. That's the joy of r2bc you look for the positives. Yay for finding a tender. Mine love playing with my purse. Adds extra stress to shopping if my credit cards are there.
