Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Keeping track of what we've learnt?!

It's taken a good three months to find our feet with home edding - we are still finding what works for us and as a trained primary teacher I have certainly had to rethink my approach to how I thought home schooling would operate in our family. I went and did a ton of research online and offline - had loads of advice from experienced home schoolers in the UK and overseas - looked at the education otherwise and more formal organisations and found a lot of points of view and ways of doing things - there are some strong opinions about home education out there but ultimately my advice to anyone starting out is that you have to find what works for you and your child.

I found great support on the home education board here - approachable and experienced home educators who aren't afraid to tell it like it is  - a good starting point for anyone considering home education.

Our contact with our LEA has been fine and once the official deregistration process was completed  I gave the children time to adjust to not being in a school environment but not in a completely unschooling way. We did lots of creative activities - lots of trips out to the local parks and generally I tried to show them that they would still be learning but in a new and freer way.

                                                            Our new playground!

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